Save the date : TAIGA exhibiting at the AFTE Days 2020
AFTE 2020 Days go virtual on November 24, 2020 Come and discover TAIGA solutions at the “AFTE Days”. This 100% digital event totally dedicated to
Data consolidation, currency management, IFRS…
Discover what we can do for you!
TAIGA is a French leader in the field of Cash Flow Forecasting, Cash Collection and Sureties management SaaS solutions.
TAIGA solutions can be deployed anywhere in the world and are already present in more than 60 countries, thanks to TAIGA’s multilingual platform and flexible settings
Make your cash and your WCR
a collaborative asset
Certified by Finance Innovation Cluster (France), TAIGA Platform has become an essential tool for more than 5000 active users in more than 60 countries worldwide
Certified by Finance Innovation Cluster (France), TAIGA Platform has become an essential tool for more than 5000 active users in more than 60 countries worldwide.
100% SaaS software solutions are fully compatible with any type of information system (Treasury management systems, accounting software, CRM…)
TAIGA easily adapts for the specific needs of each customer offering customizable and rapidly deployable Cloud solutions within any type of an organization.
Discover how TAIGA added value can boost the performance of your accounting and financial teams.
AFTE 2020 Days go virtual on November 24, 2020 Come and discover TAIGA solutions at the “AFTE Days”. This 100% digital event totally dedicated to
Who we are? For 10 years, TAIGA has been supporting its customers in France and abroad in establishing their cash flow forecasts and improving their
On June 23, 2014, To the question of whether companies make cash forecasts, the answer differs according to the nature of the person who asks
114 avenue Charles de Gaulle
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Phone: +33 1 84 17 08 85
Consolidation, reporting, cash analysis and forecasting Cloud (SaaS) solution.